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  • Meet the Drinq bottle

  • Say hello to a well-hydrated future!

  • The educational STEM toys that inspire the future.
  • Eco-friendly crayons made for little ones

  • Discover HK through vibrant illustrations from A to Z!

Meet the Drinq bottle

Say hello to a well-hydrated future! SHOP NOW


The educational STEM toys that inspire the future.

Eco-friendly crayons made for little ones


Discover HK through vibrant illustrations from A to Z!


I thought STEAM was difficult. But Tech Will Save Us Electro Dough Kit made it so simple, even a 3-4 years old child can play!

This kit teaches how to connect the circuit with clay, and we successfully turned on the lights and sounds! Children really love to play with clay. When they play with clay, their attention span is immediately doubled. Although the clay we made is yet to be improved, science principles are fun to learn!

Kaylie and Karson's mommy

Tech Will Save Us Electro Dough: Fantasy Kit is a children led activity kit to let children play and learn simultaneously. Hazel has never played such creative kits before, and this time the moment we opened the box, she was super excited and couldn't wait to play!

The video (just scan the QR code) teaches how to use the clay and successfully power up the circuit! It's really satisfying to see when the circuit works. Just like that, we have spent an afternoon playing and learning together. Highly recommended!

Hazel and Lucas' mommy